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June 17, 2011

Film Finance

by lionessnetworks

If you have a good film script with a noteworthy topic or theme and need it financed  Lioness Networks  can help you.

Lioness Networks was conceived during our 10 years experience working in commercial media in Sydney, Australia. It was later brought to reality right here in Melbourne, Australia to develop and brand a network of creative and forward thinking film makers with the producers and investors that can make it happen.

If you happen to have a script that can bring to Australia or the world a film that makes audiences think about real issues (or you just have a funny story to tell) Lioness Networks can help you.

We have developed a proven strategy to get you in front of the right people and present your script in style.

We can also help you with the preparation, timeline and basic business plan that is needed to help you acquire the funding required to make your trailer and production a success.

Read more from What We Do

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